Bri Manning

Building Type.

May 31, 2017

A friend asked how hard it was and how long it took to build Type. While I thought of, meant to, and wished I had recorded the time for each aspect, I didn’t. That’s too bad, but I did come up with some estimates on how long each part took me. I’m ordering it in this way because that was the order I approached it, though the backend and web implementation went mostly hand-in-hand. These are all approximate estimates and are in no way gospel.

I’m happy with how it turned out overall. Maybe there should be some onboarding or explanation, but I purposefully avoided that.

Some potential upcoming versions and features as I see them are:

As for long term features, these are ones I know about, but don’t plan on implementing any time soon.

I’ve got one of my 2017 resolutions taken care of by releasing Type. I’ll have to get on the next one by getting to work on an update. Luckily or unluckily, I haven’t gotten an app crash in Crashlytics, so I can’t use that as my easy update.