The Real Vanlife
June 19, 2015
That’s what it looks like. Not as glamorous as it might seem.
The muffler fell of yesterday morning, and after a trip to the hardware store for replacement nuts and bolts, he’s ready to go again. I’m not sure why the previous nuts and bolts failed, so I’ll have to watch these.
Given Rusty and his propensity to break down, people say, “you must know a lot about cars now.” My reply is invariably, “no, not about cars. Just about this car.”

I still know little, but I’ve gotten a decent feel for Rusty. I should after mucking around with the accelerator, looking for reasons we’re losing oil, having the exhaust fall off, having the muffler fall off a different time, and countless other issues. It’s remarkable how just getting into the thick of things teaches you.