Media Feeding the 45 Frenzy
March 15, 2017
I first saw the navigation on CNN’s politics section a few weeks back. It struck me as ridiculous and it still does.
Now, I understand the whole “45” thing. Heck, I helped put a totally ridiculous President Classy sticker pack in the App Store. I refer to Trump as 45 all the time myself. I don’t know if it’s a good idea or bad idea. Does it give him more power? Make him seem more evil than stupid? I don’t know. But I’m one person. I’m not a popular news network.
While we heard Trump, his lackeys, and his fans railing against the mainstream media, I always thought that was silly. Sure, do they spend some time entertaining over informing? Yes, obviously. But it was always been the job of Fox News to have the overt agenda. CNN is sinking to their level with “Trumpmerica” and “45.” “The Nine” as some cute nickname for the Supreme Court? Come on. Don’t fall into that Idiocracy trap.
CNN is feeding into Trump’s “him-versus-the-media” narrative. The reality is that the media made Trump into who he is now. They made him by even paying attention to him. He was relegated to being a caricature and a joke for a long time. When he decided to run for president, they should’ve treated him like Vermin Supreme. At least that guy has thought about a few things besides himself.
CNN doesn’t do itself any favors calling it Trumpmerica and referring to him as 45. They’re supposed to be a respected news outlet. It’s fine when an individual does it, but not a huge news corporation. Don’t stoop to that level.