Bri Manning

LinkedIn Making a Bad Move with Link-Sharing

April 27, 2010

It could easily be just me, but I do not go to LinkedIn to get traditional news. In fact, that’s the last thing I would have ever associated with LinkedIn. That’s why I do not understand in the slightest why they would add so many link sharing features recently.

To get world news I usually turn to my favorite link aggregator: If I want to get the latest industry news, then I go to my Twitter account, where I’ve hand-picked developers and experts that I want to follow (with some friends thrown in there for good measure, of course!). If I want to get the latest news about what my friends, there’s clearly Facebook.

LinkedIn, on the other hand, is really about professional news in your network. If I want to keep in touch with a professional contact, or look up what someone is up to these days, that’s the first place I would go.

Just like you can’t out-Amazon Amazon or out-Walmart Walmart, you can’t out-Twitter Twitter. Facebook is having a similar problem, but at least they’re doing their own things as well.

LinkedIn should just realize who and what they are and what they are about and optimize everything they do around that. Who needs feature creep? No one.