Bri Manning

Crafting Websites for Mobile Browsers

May 31, 2010

While I’ve always been a big fan of simple, CSS-based designs, that applies even more in the mobile market. While the speed and power of these devices and the networks they use is quickly increasing, the fact remains that we want to give users the best experience we can now.

With a site that relies on CSS for it’s design instead of background images and the like, that CSS can quickly be minimized. Sure, you can create and optimize a sprite away to your here’s content, but this can be an immense time-sink while still not giving you the benefits of having your design come from CSS.

Similarly, there are a variety of browsers to test against in the mobile market, and a simple design has a far higher chance to remain consistent among these different browsers without relying on hacks. Which, again, makes your site far more maintainable and less complex from a developer’s perspective, making life far easier, not to mention more efficient.

Just another reason clean, simple sites will make a developer’s life better.