January 17, 2015I’ve always enjoyed boardgames. But the games we played as kids were not the same as the ones available now.
Playing Settlers of Catan a few years ago with my family for Christmas was the first step into a new world. I did like Risk and Stratego more than games that were more chance-based. While those still are, strategy is the main goal.
Settlers of Catan felt like a new world: complex, interesting, and vastly different from game to game. I wasn’t one of the first to play, but when it was a game for hipsters. I’ve become a huge fan though. So when things like the Green Bay Packers playing the game, and playing extremely competitive makes it into the Wall Street Journal, it’s exciting.
Recently I’ve also been a huge fan of The Resistance. It’s another game that isn’t all that like games you normally think of. Calling it a “board” game is even being generous.
But, the game to end all games right now is probably Risk: Legacy. It seems like it would be similar to traditional Risk. I’ve never had a board that I’ve written on. Put stickers on. Cards are written on. Cards are torn up. The box is sealed with the phrase “Warning: What is Done Cannot be Undone.” It’s a brilliant take on a game. The board itself changes as you play. New card packs are added under certain circumstances. It’s incredible.