2018 Garden Progress
May 29, 2018One of the things I’ve heard about gardening is to not rely on your memory. With the goal of documenting the progress of our first garden in addition to the first year of bees, I’m going to periodically add some posts with pictures to chronicle how it’s going. We built and planted half of this raised bed on my birthday and then added a few more plants about a week after. This picture itself is from May 19th.

Additionally, we now have 7 blueberry bushes. We planted 4 last year and one didn’t make it through the winter. We’ve found some caterpillars on them, so I’m a bit worried how they’ll end up.

This past Saturday, May 26th, our neighbor came over and plowed our field. We planted six hop plants and one rhubarb plant before the rain soaked us. Then, on Sunday, we planted a row of spinach and a row of beats. We’re planning on getting more things in the ground over the next few weeks so we have a staggered harvest. We’ll see how the experiment goes.